Hearing Support

How we can help you

If you are hard of hearing, we’re here to give you all the extra support you may need.

We can help you choose the right phone and plan, and get you set up to make the most of your device.

And once you're an EE customer, we’ll make sure you’re supported with services tailored to your needs.

BSL service

British Sign Language users can contact us - using a sign language interpreter - through the Interpreters Live! service. This service is available from 8am to midnight, 7 days a week. If an interpreter is not immediately available, you can hold or retry later. Outside of these hours please contact us to pre-book an interpreter, who can be online within 30 minutes. Find out more about Interpreters Live! >

You can also watch our video below for full info.



Contact us through a sign language interpreter now >


Choosing the right phone for you

We can make sure the phone you choose has the features that are important to you. Here are some of the helpful phone features you may want to consider when you’re choosing a new phone:

  • using the Relay UK app - simply download the app to your Apple or Android smartphone and start calling people over the phone with the help of a Relay Assistant
  • use your phone along with an induction loop to boost the sound signal to your hearing aid
  • a vibrating alert or a flashing light on the screen - so you can feel or see when someone's calling you
  • haptic feedback - so when you press any key the phone vibrates so you don't accidentally call someone
  • volume control - so the other person is loud enough for you to hear as well as possible
  • ability to change the ringtone - so you can choose one that you can hear best
  • hearing loop - so your phone calls can be transmitted to a hearing aid
  • video calling - so you can see the caller as you chat
  • access to the internet

And GARI - the Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative - has info to help people with a hearing impairment which may help you find the best device for your own needs.

You can choose to learn about phones, tablets, apps, wearable technology like watches and smart TVs.

 You should remember that not all the devices listed on the GARI website are available on EE. Go to the EE Shop for our full current range of devices.

Choosing the right EE plan

Choose from pay monthly, pay as you go and SIM only. We have something to suit everyone. Many of our plans come with unlimited minutes – meaning you’ll always be connected. To get started:

  • contact us by dialling 0870 240 9598 from your text phone and ask to be connected to 0800 079 2000
  • go into one of our stores, or
  • check out EE's online shop

Relay UK

If you struggle to hear or speak on the phone, the Relay UK service (previously Next Generation Text)(https://www.relayuk.bt.com/) can really help.

It uses the free Relay UK app which works with compatible smartphones and tablets - use Relay UK wherever there’s an internet connection.

How it works

  • if you find it difficult to hear on the phone, an assistant types what the other person is saying so you can read their words in real time
  • if speaking on the phone is difficult, you type the words and an assistant speaks them, so the other person can hear your words in real time

The Relay service available on an EE plan allows access via the official Relay UK App. 

And you get access to various important short codes (eg 101, 111, 112, 195, 999) as well as geographic, non-geographic, premium rate and international destinations.

Here’s a full list of destinations and pricing


You can also still use a traditional textphone for Relay UK (as with the old Next Generation Text service). Find out more on the Relay UK website - there are videos and instructions on using this service.

Contacting us

To contact us directly using Relay UK service, dial 18001 in front of one of the following long dial numbers:

  • EE all customers - 07953 966 250

Services with EE

Help with your account

Nominate a friend or family member to act as an authorised user to look after your account. All you need to do is set a password, and they'll be able to access your details securely.

Free directory enquiries

A free directory enquiries service (195) is available to customers who find it difficult to use a phone book. It's a very straightforward service: call 195 from your EE phone to register.

Operator-connected calls

If you use our 195 service to get a phone number the operator can also connect any standard call for you for free.

Customer service tailored to your needs

As soon as we know about your hearing impairment, we can make sure we tailor our customer service to your needs. Fill out this confidential form and we'll do the rest.