Customer vulnerability at EE
We're committed to treating all our customers fairly and with respect, including those who are in vulnerable situations.
We know that there's lots of different factors and life events which may cause vulnerability, whether it be long-term or on a temporary basis. For example, it could be because of age, a physical or learning disability or difficulty in communicating.
We also understand that challenging circumstances and events like bereavement or separating from a partner can mean that you need some extra support to help keep you connected while you get back on your feet.
We’ll do our best to offer you the right level of help and the most appropriate products and services to suit your needs. Our customer support team will always try to identify specific needs to provide specialised assistance where it’s needed. Sometimes it isn’t always easy for them to identify if you are experiencing difficulties, so please let the team know if you think they could help.
If you’re in a vulnerable situation and need extra help, you can let us know by filling in our online form, or if you prefer, next time you call us, let our advisor know and they’ll register it on your account so we can consider your extra needs when you contact us next time. We have trained our advisors to provide tailored support. It will help us to help you better in the future.
Alternatively, you can use one of the other contact methods shown on our contact us page, or using one of the accessible contacts methods listed below. All information provided to us will be recorded securely and used only to provide you with the best support and experience. You can also, if you choose, give your permission for someone else to contact us on your behalf.
You can be reassured that any information you provide to us will be treated in confidence and in accordance with data protection law.