General mobile services
Service | Send to 150 |
What's my number? | NUMBER |
Check your free Data Boost status | BOOST |
Check what data you've rolled over | ROLLOVER |
Find out roaming rates | RO + country, e.g. RO ITALY |
Control diverts to your voicemail | VM ON or VM OFF |
Check unlock status of your Apple device | UNLOCK |
Get a list of all text services | HELP |
Get a link to download the EE app | APP |
Info on how to spot and deal with scams and spam | SCAM |
Check balances, top up and payments
Service | Send to 150 |
Info on your remaining credit, allowances, packs, add-ons or free boosts | BALANCE |
Top up using a voucher | VO + 16-digit voucher number e.g. VO 1234567891234567 |
Top up with a registered credit / debit card | CR + last four digits of your card + amount you want to pay (between £5 and £95) e.g. to top up £10 with card ending in 1234, text CR 1234 10 |
Link a new Top Up card | ETU + 13-digit top-up card number e.g. ETU 0123456789012 |
Ask for the last text message we sent you about card payments | CARD PAY |
Ask for all the text messages we’ve sent you about card payments | CARD PAY ALL |
Check if you’ve agreed to card payments for services on demand | CARD PAY STATUS |
How to Top Up via text | HELP TOP UP |
> Find out more about setting up card payments and how to top up
Pack info and buying
Service | Send to 150 |
Get information on all packs available | ALL PACKS |
Start another pack early | NOW |
Stop your current pack | STOP |
Pay as you go packs
Pack Name | Data | Minutes | Texts | Duration | Text to 150 |
£10 Pack | 8GB | 500 | Unlimited | 30 days | PACK10 |
£15 Pack | 25GB | Unlimited | Unlimited | 30 days | PACK15 |
£20 Pack | 50GB | Unlimited | Unlimited | 30 days | PACK20 |
£30 Pack | 125GB | Unlimited | Unlimited | 30 days | PACK30 |
Service | Text to 150 |
Get list of data, text or minutes add-ons | ADD ON |
Get information on text add-ons | ADD TEXTS |
Get information on minutes add-ons | ADD MINS |
Get information on data add-ons | ADD DATA |
Get information on add-ons to call abroad from the UK | ADD INT |