Text services for pay as you go mobile

Use these text services to easily manage your pay as you go mobile. All texts sent to and from 150 are free of charge, whether you're in the UK or EU.

General mobile services


ServiceSend to 150
What's my number?NUMBER
Check your free Data Boost statusBOOST
Check what data you've rolled overROLLOVER
Find out roaming ratesRO + country,
Control diverts to your voicemailVM ON or VM OFF
Check unlock status of your Apple deviceUNLOCK
Get a list of all text servicesHELP
Get a link to download the EE appAPP
Info on how to spot and deal with scams and spamSCAM

Check balances, top up and payments

ServiceSend to 150
Info on your remaining credit, allowances, packs, add-ons or free boostsBALANCE
Top up using a voucherVO + 16-digit voucher number
e.g. VO 1234567891234567
Top up with a registered credit / debit cardCR + last four digits of your card + amount you want to pay (between £5 and £95)
e.g. to top up £10 with card ending in 1234, text CR 1234 10
Link a new Top Up cardETU + 13-digit top-up card number
e.g. ETU 0123456789012
Ask for the last text message we sent you about card paymentsCARD PAY
Ask for all the text messages we’ve sent you about card paymentsCARD PAY ALL
Check if you’ve agreed to card payments for services on demandCARD PAY STATUS
How to Top Up via textHELP TOP UP

> Find out more about setting up card payments and how to top up

Pack info and buying

ServiceSend to 150
Get information on all packs availableALL PACKS
Start another pack earlyNOW
Stop your current pack

Pay as you go packs

Pack NameDataMinutesTextsDurationText to 150
£10 Pack8GB500Unlimited30 daysPACK10
£15 Pack25GBUnlimitedUnlimited30 daysPACK15
£20 Pack50GBUnlimited
Unlimited30 daysPACK20
£30 Pack125GBUnlimitedUnlimited30 daysPACK30

> Find out more about pay as you go packs


ServiceText to 150
Get list of data, text or minutes add-onsADD ON
Get information on text add-onsADD TEXTS
Get information on minutes add-onsADD MINS
Get information on data add-onsADD DATA
Get information on add-ons to call abroad from the UKADD INT

> Find out more about pay as you go add-ons

More account information

If you need more information about your account. Log in to ee.co.uk or the EE app on your mobile.

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