Fighting online fraud

Discover essential tips to protect yourself from online fraud, including how to identify scams and report incidents, ensuring your personal information remains secure.

What is online fraud?

As more accounts are managed, and transactions made online, cyber criminals are increasingly seeking to gain access to customers’ personal accounts and make unauthorised transactions in their names.

Commonly known as identity theft, previously fraudsters would rummage through your rubbish to find your personal details on documents. Now fraudsters may bombard you with telephone calls, SMS messages or email, and pretend to be from a legitimate organisation to convince you to give them your account details and passwords.

Account takeover

An account takeover is when a fraudster takes control of your account and changes some of your personal information so that they can then make unauthorised transactions. An account takeover can happen to any type of account, such as a bank, credit card, or email accounts.

Online banking accounts are usually taken over by using methods such as phishing (sending emails pretending to be from a reputable company); spyware (software that can secretly transmit from someone’s computer); or malware (software used to gain unauthorised access to computer) scams. 

Fraudsters may target EE customers to steal new devices, or use a phone to access personal information.  

Here’s some of examples of what could happen:

  • Intercept mobile phones – Fraudsters may call a customer to offer a competitive device deal. They will then either try to intercept the delivery of a phone or, encourage the customer to return the handset to an incorrect address (see below for our Returns address).  Its important that you only return items to an official EE address.  If in doubt contact our customer service team on 150 free from your EE phone, 0800 079 8586 from your EE Landline or 0800 956 6000 from another provider.
  • Sim swap – This can give access to personal information and allow the fraudster to receive validation codes for approving payments and accessing accounts.
  • Call diversion – Similar to a sim swap, calls are diverted to another phone so that your communications can be monitored. This can also give them access to your personal information.

How to report fraud

If you have been a victim of fraud on your account, please report it to us as soon as possible. Call us on 150 free from your EE phone, 0330 123 1105 from your EE landline or 0800 956 6000 from another provider.

We will need your contact information and as much information about the incident as possible, including the crime or action fraud reference numbers. Our Fraud team will investigate your case and update you within 7 days.

If money has been fraudulently taken from your bank account or credit card, contact your bank straight away. We also recommend reporting the crime to Action Fraud immediately.

Tips to avoid scams

  • We will never ask for your personal information such as account details and passwords. If you receive a suspicious call, contact us immediately.
  • If you mistakenly give a caller your bank account details, contact your bank immediately.
  • If you receive a suspicious call Text the free phone number and incident to 7726. Your mobile phone provider can then investigate the incident.
  • Block any suspicious numbers after you have reported them.

Our returns address

Fraudsters may try to persuade you to return your handset to another address, so that they can either intercept or receive your device.

For example, a device may be ordered on your account, then the fraudster may contact you and advise you to return the handset to an incorrect address.

Please return handsets, or other devices or equipment to: 

BT Supply chain
Gate 3
Harding Road
Milton Keynes
MK10 0EE

When returning a device to us, please ensure you follow the steps on our Returns page, so that we can safely track and process your device.

Further information

  • Action Fraud – the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime.
  • Get Safe Online – a resource for unbiased, factual and easy-to-understand information on online safety.
  • Which? – advice for consumers on how to keep safe from scams.
  • EE Community – find the latest information on scams.

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