Stay safe online with EE and Internet Matters

Keep your family safe online


We understand the importance of internet safety and want to help you and your family stay safe online.

The internet is a great way for families to learn and have fun, but there are issues to be aware of such as cyber-bullying and age-appropriate content. By following a few simple steps, you can help your family, especially children, stay safe online.

Our partners, Internet Matters, have a website full of free and easy to follow expert advice. 

Protecting children from online pornography

Many parents worry about their children accidentally stumbling across pornography online and the impact it might cause. It can be a tricky topic to talk about too. 

At Internet Matters you can get advice on what conversations to have with your child and what controls to set to prepare and protect them from seeing this type of content online.

Peace of mind with Content Lock

All our phones and tablets come with Content Lock switched on by default, so your kids are blocked from accessing adult content.

Online security best practice

We want to help you lead a safe and secure digital life.

Security advice for your phone

Since we use our phones for email, banking and shopping, keeping your personal details secure is absolutely vital.

Top tips from Internet Matters

<font color="grey">Advice on child-proofing your phones and tablets</font>

Parental controls

Use the security settings on your device to set restrictions on what can be downloaded, so your child is only able to access age-appropriate apps and games.

Location services

Location services are often turned on automatically on devices, so make sure they're disabled for your child. This will ensure they don't unintentionally share their location with others.

Password protected

Make sure you set up password controls and disable in-app purchasing, which can be done in your device settings. This will ensure huge bills aren't run up accidentally.

Age-appropriate content

Talk to your child about their online use regularly and check that they are downloading age-appropriate apps and games