Not happy with something?
We’re sorry if there’s been a problem with your EE business service. When things go wrong, we want to know so we can put them right as quickly as possible. Find out more about how we deal with complaints in our customer complaints code of practice.
If you’d like to get in touch with a general query, not relating to a complaint, please get in touch using the details on our contact us page.
Choose how you’d like to get in touch with us

Write to us
If you’re not happy with something about your EE Business service and you’d like to make a complaint in writing, please use the address below that is specific to complaints.
EE Customer Services
6 Camberwell Way
Tyne and Wear
So that we can best address your complaint, please be sure to include:
- Your full name and postal address.
- Your account number and/or mobile telephone number.
- Your landline telephone number if you’re a home broadband customer.
- An alternative daytime contact telephone number.
- Details of your complaint.

Email web form
If you wish to request a call back, fill in the EE Business call back form and we'll get in touch as soon as possible.

Give us a call - Call our Customer Services team
EE customers - 07953 966 250
Monday to Sunday 8am to 6pm