Edit my personal details in EE

Moved home? Got a new email address? Changed your surname? Here’s how to keep us up to date with any changes and update your personal details in EE.

Need to know

While we’re in the process of moving all our customers over to new EE, it’s possible you might see one of two different version of your Profile screen. If you need to edit your personal details, go to your Profile page and check to see if it says ‘My EE’ at the top. If your page says ‘My EE’, then the follow the steps on this page.  If it doesn't then you’ll need to follow this information.

Where can I update my details?

EE is the easiest way to update your details.

Good to know

To set up an EE ID, head to our log in page and follow the Create account link.

If you can't access EE you can change your details by calling 150 from your EE phone (or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone). 

How do I update my name or email address in EE?

  1. Log in to EE and go to Your profile.
  2. Click Edit next to First name, Last name or Email address.
  3. Enter the new details and click Save.

How do I change the address for my EE account?

On your mobile:

  1. Log in to the EE app on your mobile
  2. Tap on Manage from the items at the bottom of the screen
  3. Tap on Check Settings
  4. Scroll to the bottom on the screen and tap on Change billing address
  5. Follow the steps on the screen
  6. When you have confirmed your new address, we will text you to confirm the change has been made - it can take 1-24 hours to appear on your account.

On the web:

  1. Log in to the EE app on the web
  2. Select Plans & Subscriptions from the top right of your screen
  3. Select the account you want to change the address for
  4. Scroll down to Address and select Change address
  5. Select which address - postal or billing - you want to update
  6. We will then send a one-time PIN to the mobile for your account to verify it's you, Click Confirm having checked the PIN is going to the correct number
  7. Enter the PIN sent to your mobile and click Continue
  8. Enter the postcode for your new address
  9. Select the correct address from the selection shown - please note you'll be able to choose to update one or both of your Billing or Postal addresses at the same time
  10. Click Confirm address
  11. We will confirm your changes on screen and send a text to yor mobile to confirm as well. Please note it can take between 1-24 hours for the change to show up in your account.

How do I change or add a phone number in EE?

You can add more than one EE number on your account, up to 99. To do this, you must be the bill payer (account holder) or get their permission.

  1. Log into EE.
  2. Open the Menu and choose Account settings.
  3. Add or change the numbers

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