How do we contact you?

Occasionally we'll contact you directly to discuss your account.

What numbers do you contact me on?

We use several different numbers to contact our customers. These include numbers from departments such as Customer Services, Collections, Business, Sales, etc

If you think you've been contacted by us, you can check that the number is authentic.

0845 412 2711Sales
0845 412 2713
0845 412 2718
0845 412 2721
0845 412 2726
0845 412 2735
0845 097 0208
0845 412 2700
0845 097 0200
0845 097 0201
0845 097 0202
0845 097 0203
0845 097 0204
0845 097 0205
0845 412 2748
0845 412 3104
Customer Services
0845 412 2744
0845 412 3104

Need to know

If an EE representative has called you directly using the number 07973 100 194, you will not be able to call back on that number. Please contact Customer Services directly on 150.

How do I call you back?

If you've received a call from us, you may occasionally need to call us back.

If you do need to call us back:

Get in touch with us by text, phone or live chat

How much does it cost to call you back?

If you choose to call us back on one of the 0845 numbers above, then the total cost of calling each number (per minute) will be the Service Charge plus the applicable Access Charge (this Access Charge will vary according to whether you're on a pay monthly or pay as you go plan, small business customer, or calling on a mobile or landline, etc).

If you call back and your call is connected, the cost will be the Service Charge (cost per minute) 10p (inc VAT) / 7p (ex VAT) plus the applicable Access Charge:

Type of Access ChargeCost per minute
Calling from EE pay monthly mobile50p (inc VAT) / 42p (ex VAT)
Calling from EE pay as you go mobile44p (inc VAT) / 37p (ex VAT)
Calling from EE landline11p (inc VAT) / 9p (ex VAT)
EE Small Business customer44p (inc VAT) / 37p (ex VAT)

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