What numbers will EE partners call from?

From time to time you may be contacted by us or our selected partners to be told about additional products and services. If you've received a call of this nature from one of our Direct Partners, you can confirm it's genuine by checking they're calling from one of the numbers below.

Numbers EE partners will come from


PartnerContact number

0800 335 7000

01942 901 130

01942 901 140

01942 901 150

01942 901 160

01942 901 394

01942 901 395

01942 901 396

01942 901 397

01942 901 398

01942 901 399

Step Change:

01438 989 233

01438 989 230

01438 989 231

01438 989 232

01438 989 214

0800 009 2569

01438 989213


01913 896 336

01914 290 258

01914 290 924

01914 290 922

01914 297 586

01914 297 587

01914 297 588

01914 297 589

01914 297 590

01914 297 591

01914 297 592

01914 297 593

01914 297 594

01914 297 595

01915 946 541

01918 163 618

01918 163 862

01918 163 863

01918 163 864

01918 163 865


0191 5161 647

0191 5161 644

0191 5161 648

01915 161 645

01915 161 646

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