Reactivate your EE service

Easily reactivate your suspended EE service by paying online or via phone, ensuring uninterrupted access to your mobile services.

Reactivate your EE service

  • log in to EE, select Bills & Payments, then Make a payment
  • or you can pay over the phone - you’ll be diverted to our automated service when trying to make a call after being suspended. This service is available 24/7.

About a credit limit

Need to know

A credit limit should not be used as a budgeting tool. You'll always be responsible for all the charges applied to your account. We can also change or withdraw your limit at any time without notice.

Your credit limit works in a similar way to a credit card limit.

This is the maximum amount you're allowed to spend at any given time on your account across all your phones and devices.

It includes all monthly charges, including the cost of your price plan, VAT and all usage charges.

When the credit limit is exceeded, your account will be suspended.

A credit limit is different from a Spend Cap, which you can use to control your spending.

Find out more about Spend Caps.

How do you set my credit limit?

We set your credit limit based on your payment performance, the products you’ve taken, your usage pattern and data from the credit bureau. We review your limit on at least a monthly basis.

Can I set my own credit limit?

It’s not possible to set your own credit limit. However, if you wish to control your spend on out-of-bundle charges, you can apply a Spend Cap.

Find out more about Spend Caps.

How does a credit limit work?

We will attempt to send you a text message when you’re nearing your limit. Sometimes, you may not receive the message before your service is suspended if your limit is reached during a call.

To make sure we don’t suspend your service you should make a payment when you receive the text message.

To make a payment:

  • call 150 from your EE phone
  • call +44 (0) 7953 966 150 from any other phone

What happens if I get suspended?

Once you have reached your credit limit we will suspend your services, meaning you won’t be able to make a call or access your voicemail. You will still be able to make calls to Emergency Services and receive incoming calls.

If you try to make an outgoing call you'll be diverted to our automated service where you will be able to make a payment.

Restoring services

To restore your service you need to make a credit or debit payment:

  • log in to EE, select Bills & Payments, then Make a payment
  • or you can pay over the phone - you’ll be diverted to our automated service when trying to make a call after being suspended. This service is available 24/7.

How long does it take for my service to reconnect?

Once payment is received it can take us up to 24 hours to reconnect your service.

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