Before you read this article
Text HELP to 66033 (charges may apply at your standard rate).
- We’ll run tests on your connection to find out what’s going on.
- If you need an engineer, we’ll text you in 15 mins to book a slot.
- If you don’t need an engineer, our brilliant UK and Ireland based team will call you within 30 mins to help solve your issue.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm.
Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.
Need to know
Phones bought before 2015 may not ring while connected to your Digital Voice adapter. If you are experiencing this issue, contact us from any phone and we'll supply a free microfilter which will enable your phone to ring.
Digital Home Phone handset issues
- Check you’re making HD calls - you’ll see a HD logo on your handset when on a call. The other person you’re calling has to have HD calling for it to work.
- Try another registered handset to see if there's a problem with the handset or the phone line. Try plugging a phone into the phone port on the back of your Smart Hub (your router).
- Check you're in range of your hub. You'll see a 'No link to the Hub' message if you're too far away.
- Check the handset batteries, they need to be rechargeable.
Other cordless handsets issues
- Check you're making HD calls, if your handset supports it.
- Make sure your phone is plugged into the phone port on the back of the Smart Hub.
- Check your handset batteries and that it's charged.
Wired handset issues
Make sure your phone is plugged into the phone port on the back of the Smart Hub.