Introducing Digital Home Phone

Digital Home Phone is our new home phone service

We're upgrading our network to make it easier for you to connect on any device at home or on the go.

Moving to Digital Home Phone

Over the coming years we'll roll out this new home phone service to our customers across the UK.
With Digital Home Phone you'll get top quality calls with HD calling, together with all of the features you get today, like Call Protect and Voicemail.

For most households, upgrading to Digital Home Phone will have no impact on how you use your phone today.

Switching to Digital Home Phone

We aim to finish the upgrade by 2027 and you'll be switched over from your home phone service to Digital Home Phone when it's available to you.

When you place an order, we'll let you know if you're eligible and take you through the benefits so you can decide whether or not to move across to Digital Home Phone at this time.


The cost of the new Digital Home Phone and broadband service is all included in the your single package price. There's no extra charge for Digital Home Phone.

It also includes many inclusive calling features.

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