How do you calculate Remaining Contract Charges?

This article explains how we calculate early termination charges for mobile and broadband contracts, helping you understand potential costs and make informed decisions when considering leaving EE.

Terminating your Mobile (including Mobile Broadband, 4GEE Home & tablets) agreement early

If you terminate your contract whilst you are within your existing minimum term, a cancellation charge will apply, also known as a Remaining Contract Charge.

If you terminate your agreement with us, you must pay everything you owe us, whether you're just cancelling your contract or switching to a new provider.

> Find out more about how to cancel your contract or switch providers

How we calculate Remaining Contract Charges for mobile

  • we add together all outstanding monthly (or other periodic) charges for the remainder of your minimum term, factoring in any recurring monthly discount to which you are entitled, calculated at a daily rate
  • we then deduct VAT at the prevailing rate
  • we then deduct 4% for early receipt of payment to get the final charge you owe us
  • finally, we add VAT at the prevailing rate to get the final charge

Here are some examples of Remaining Contract Charges.

Example 1

You have a monthly recurring plan at £30 a month, with three months left. We multiply £30 by three, totalling £90. We then take VAT off that figure, leaving £75. Then we take 4% off that figure and add VAT to get the final Remaining Contract Charge of £86.40

Example 2

You have a monthly recurring contract at £45 a month, with six and a half months left. You also have a monthly recurring discount of £10. We multiply £35 (£45-£10) by six and a half totalling £227.50. We then take VAT off that figure, leaving it at £189.58. We then take 4% off that figure and add VAT to get the final Remaining Contract Charge of £218.40.

If you have any questions about Remaining Contract Charges, please don’t hesitate to contact us using one of the options on our contact us page.

Terminating your Home Broadband agreement early

You can terminate your agreement with us anytime by contacting customer services or placing an order with your new provider. If you terminate whilst you are within your existing minimum term, a cancellation charge will apply, also known as an Early Cancellation Charge.

Your agreement will terminate 14 days from when we receive your request or from when you place your order with your new provider. You are free to change your mind and contact us to restore your agreement at any time during the notice period, or if you've placed an order with a new provider, by contacting them to cancel the order.

You must pay everything you owe if you terminate your agreement with us.

How we calculate Early Cancellation Charges for EE Broadband

  • we add together all outstanding monthly (or other periodic) charges, excluding VAT. If you have a monthly recurring subscription discount, we will take that into account
  • we then reduce the charge to take account of any costs we save as a result of you leaving early, such as wholesale costs where applicable
  • we then off an amount for early receipt
  • we then multiply this by the remainder of your minimum term
  • finally, we add VAT at the prevailing rate to get the final cancellation charge

Here are some examples of Early Cancellation Charges.

Example 1

You are on the Standard Broadband plan at £31 a month, with a £12 monthly recurring discount, which means you are paying £19 a month. You cancel with two months left in your minimum term:

  • we take off the VAT leaving £15.83
  • we take off the costs we save (for example, £10.49 per month) leaving £5.13
  • we then take off an amount for early receipt (for example 21p) making £4.92
  • we multiply this by the two months to get £9.84
  • finally we add VAT to get an Early Cancellation Charge of £11.81


Example 2

You are on the Fibre Broadband plan at £36 a month, with an £11 monthly discount, which means you are playing £25 a month. You cancel with six months left in your minimum term:

  • we take off VAT leaving £20.83
  • we take off the costs we save (for example £13) to get £7.83
  • we take off an amount for early receipt (for example 31p) making £7.52
  • we multiply this by the six months to get £43.12
  • finally we add VAT to get an Early Cancellation Charge of £54.14


If you have any questions about Remaining Contract Charges, please don’t hesitate to contact us using one of the options on our contact us page.

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