Understanding your EE bill after an upgrade

This article explains charges on your EE bill after an upgrade, helping you understand part charges, early upgrade fees, and other potential costs.

When you upgrade, your next bill may look a little different from your usual bill. This is caused by a change to your plan or a one-off charge incurred during the upgrade process.

Why do I have charges after my upgrade?

Here are some common reasons for one-off charges on your bill.

Part Charges

These will show on your bill if you’ve made a change to your account partway through your billing month. This means you’ll be charged for your new plan up to your bill date (which will stay the same unless you’ve asked for it to be changed). You'll see a credit for your old plan covering the same period. Your next bill will show your new monthly charge as usual.

Other reasons for a part charge on your bill:

  • you added a new product or service partway through the month
  • you changed your phone number, plan or payment date
  • you added another line to your account (such as another phone, tablet, SIM or dongle).


Early upgrade fee

You’ll be charged an early upgrade fee if you upgraded with more than 30 days of your previous contract remaining.The early upgrade fee is calculated as a lump sum, equal to the total monthly line rental due for the remaining period of your minimum term (on a pro rata basis if you are partway through a monthly billing cycle). We’ll then apply a discount to that amount to get to your final early upgrade fee.

What other charges could I see on my upgraded bill?

  • a refund of the old plan or your old number up to your bill date
  • a charge for your new plan, number or line, up to your bill date
  • a charge for your new price plan, number or line, equal to one month in advance
  • a delivery charge which is the amount to pay towards the delivery of your device
  • an equipment charge shown as the device e.g. 'PAYM iPhone 6 16GB gold' with any amount you owe
  • a device unlock charge if you had to get your device unlocked
  • if you’re owed an amount towards your device, this shows an equipment credit
  • out-of-bundle charges which occur when calling or texting premium numbers or sending an MMS image.


If you upgraded in an EE store, then discounts will be added within seven days of you taking out the contract. So, if your bill is produced within seven days of your purchase, the discount will not show. Don’t worry though, the discount will show on your next bill, or you can see it when you download or open the EE app. If you upgraded over the phone with us, discounts will show immediately.

Can I see an estimate before my bill is ready?

You can see a near real-time view of what your next mobile bill is estimated to be underneath your current bill. If you’ve upgraded since your last bill, you’ll see any part charges or credits, along with your new monthly charge.

It’s a helpful guide but may not include all charges or credits if your account has multiple types of discounts, always refer to your actual bill when it’s produced.

  1. Download or open the EE app
  2. Select Manage
  3. Select Billing
  4. Select See your full mobile bill
  5. Scroll down below your current bill and you’ll see Your next bill estimate and the date it's due

Other things you should know

Take note of these things on your bill:

  • the amount you paid when you ordered your device will show on your bill as a payment received.
  • your bill is your receipt and will show any charge you paid upfront. It’s your proof of purchase for your device, so keep it safe.


These charges will appear as extra charges in the EE App. You can also check your bill balance and allowances at any time.

  1. download or open the EE  App 
  2. select Manage 
  3. select Billing

or login to EE using your web browser

  1. select Bills & Payments from the top right of your screen, or 
  2. text AL to 150.

If your payment plan changed when you upgraded, this will also show on your bill. Your payment plan may have changed if you have taken out a device credit agreement.


Device payments

If you have taken out a device credit agreement with us, you will have two Direct Debits set up; one for your plan and one for your device. Both Direct Debit payments will come out of your account on the same date each month. You can view your past and upcoming device payments, as well as your account information and bills, in the EE App

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