Thinking of leaving EE

If you're not happy, we'd like to help. If you're sure you want to leave, this article shows you how.

Maybe we can help

If it's something we've done, we'd like to make things better.

Problem with your services

If you're thinking of leaving because of your broadband speed or coverage we can help.


Report a fault


If we're not reaching the promised speeds, we can help you through our speed guarantee.


Leaving for a better deal?

Our best deals are on the app. To have a look at what's on offer since you first joined us download or open the EE app.


Need to know

If you leave before the end of your contract we'll charge you for leaving early. If you cancel one EE product and keep others, you may lose any discounts you have.


If you're sure you're ready to leave, here's what you need to know.

Leaving EE mobile

Your final EE Mobile bill

We'll confirm your account is closed in EE and show your final phone bill dates. You'll see your final bill with details on your final payment about a week after your plan finishes or after you've received confirmation that you've left the EE network.

Your final bill will include:

  • a credit for any line rental paid in advance that you didn't use because you closed your account
  • any extra call, text and data charges outside your plan
  • your remaining contract charge

This will be made up of:

  • an early termination charge. If you're in your minimum term and have more than 30 days left until it ends. We work this out from the date you contacted us to cancel your contract until the end of your term
  • if you're within the last 30 days of your minimum term, or outside of it, you'll need to pay a notice period charge. This is based on 30 days' line rental from the date you contacted us to cancel your contract
  • if you've asked for a PAC code, we'll calculate this charge from the date your number is transferred not the date you receive your PAC code

View your contract terms and conditions >

How do I pay my final EE Mobile bill?

If you pay by Direct Debit, we'll automatically take your final payment as usual. Your final bill will also contain details of other ways to pay.

Find out how to pay your phone bill >

If we owe you a refund?

If you're in credit, we'll send an automatic refund around eight days after the date of your final bill. If you pay by Direct Debit we'll pay the money straight into your bank account. Otherwise, we'll send a cheque to your registered address.

Can I access EE Mobile account after I've left?

You'll be able to view your bills for six months after cancelling. If you think you'll need them for longer than that, it's a good idea to download them before you leave. If you need details from your account, call 07953 966 250 from any phone.

Leaving EE Broadband

We need 30 days' notice to cancel your EE broadband. We'll stop your service 30 days after you cancel and let you know your contract has ended.

If you leave your contract early

You will have to pay an early termination fee if you cancel your service before the end of your minimum contract period. You'll find your contract period on your bill.

For example, if your minimum contract period is 24 months, you can only leave without paying a fee after you've had the service for 24 months.

The early termination fee is the remaining amount you would have paid up to the end of your minimum period, minus the costs we save, for example, payments to suppliers, because you're leaving early.

How to leave

Call us on 0330 123 1105 at these times:

Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm
Saturday, 8am to 8pm
Sunday, 9am to 6pm

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