Moving your account from BT to EE

This article helps BT customers transitioning to EE understand billing, account setup, and service continuity, ensuring a smooth and informed switch.

Why am I being moved from BT to EE?

We’re moving some customers to EE to give them the best service and experience that we can. 

Account information

Will my bill change?

The price you pay won't change as a result of the move, unless you change your services. You can find help to understand your bill in our guide to your EE bills. Once you switch to EE, you’ll start receiving your bills from us, but you will receive one final BT bill.

Payment Methods

Existing Direct Debits will carry on, but they'll say EE instead of BT. You can find more information about other ways to pay in payment methods help

Account number

You’ll get a new EE account number on your first EE bill, which you'll need if you want to register for an EE ID. It'll also be on your welcome information.

Your old bills

You can use your BT ID to access your old bills for 12 months after your move, through MyBT.

Changes to services

There'll be no changes to:

  • your broadband speed
  • your equipment
  • the quality of service

You don’t need any new equipment; your existing hub will carry on working in the same way, at the same speed.

If you'd like to make any changes to your services, you can find out about our broadband deals.

Will I get a new hub, as seen on tv?

No. You don't need any new equipment.

Setting up your EE ID

Your EE ID is the username and password that you use to manage your services online. To set one up you'll need your email address and account number.  Once your move to EE is complete we'll send you an email inviting you to set one up.

More help

If you need help with anything else you can contact us using the telephone number on the letter you received. If you no longer have the letter, visit Contact EE.

You can also find out more about broadband terms and conditions.

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