Pay online
To use a debit or credit card to pay your mobile bill download or open the EE app.
If you don't have an EE account, you pay your bill (or someone else's bill) without logging into EE.
Direct Debit
Set up a Direct Debit in EE online.
You’ll need to pay any money you owe (your account balance) before you can set up a Direct Debit.
Read the guidance on setting up or managing a Direct Debit.
When your Direct Debit is taken
Your mobile Direct Debit is usually taken 8 days after your bill. Check your bill for the exact due date.
Pay by text
You can pay your mobile bill by text if you’ve registered your credit or debit card in EE online.
Text PAY to 150 and follow the instructions.
Your card will be registered if you’ve paid with it in EE online or by phone before. Or you can register a payment card in EE.
By phone
Pay with a debit or credit card by calling us on your phone.
Need to know
You can only make payments by internet or telephone banking to your mobile account. Any payments will not pay your broadband account.
Bank transfer (at the branch, online or telephone banking)
UK bank accounts
Use these details to transfer from a UK bank account:
- EE account number: 31012304
- EE sort code: 40-02-50
- payment reference: your EE account number
Non-UK bank accounts
Use these details if you’re transferring from a non-UK bank account:
- SWIFT code: MIDLGB2110C
- IBAN: GB95MIDL40025031012304
- payment reference: your EE account number
At the bank
Fill in the payment slip on your paper bill and take it to any bank. Pay at least 3 days before your payment is due.
At an EE store
Take your bill into your nearest EE store.
By cheque
How to pay by cheque:
- make a cheque payable to EE
- write your EE account number and mobile phone number on the back
- fill in the payment slip on the last page of your bill
- send the cheque and payment slip to
EE Limited, PO Box 238, Sheffield, S98 1PS.
Send the cheque at least 5 days before your bill payment is due. It might take longer to reach us. Send the cheque at least 5 days before your bill payment is due. It might take longer to reach us.
Do NOT send cash.